“Cloud-sourcing: In Touch with Weather from Land, Sea and Air” photo and video exhibition launched

     The Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, Mr Shun Chi-ming, and the Chief Executive Officer of the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AA), Mr Fred Lam, officiated at the opening ceremony of the "Cloud-sourcing: In Touch with Weather from Land, Sea and Air" photo and video exhibition at the Hong Kong International Airport today (July 3). Representatives from the organisations that jointly organised the photo and video collection campaign with the Observatory were also invited to attend. 

     Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Shun said the Observatory hoped that the photo and video collection campaign and exhibition would enhance public awareness and understanding of changes in the weather, thereby bringing people closer to nature.

     The "Cloud-sourcing: In Touch with Weather from Land, Sea and Air" Photo and Video Collection Campaign held between December 14, 2017, and February 13 this year received enthusiastic support and participation from the aviation and marine communities. More than 2 000 weather images and over 100 videos taken from land, ships and aircraft were collected. With the support of the AA, shortlisted entries will be displayed at Hong Kong International Airport Terminal 1 (near the Arrival Hall, Ground Transportation Centre Downramp South) from today to November 11. Cathay Pacific Airways and Cathay Dragon will also feature the campaign and exhibition in the August edition of their in-flight magazine "Discovery", with highlights of some of the award-winning entries. 

     Members of the public are welcome to take photos of impressive entries at the exhibition. By sharing the photos, or other weather photos or videos taken by themselves, on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #cloudsourcing2018, the public will have an opportunity to receive souvenirs from the Observatory. Details are available at the following website: url.hko.hk/7J3VQcEc.

     The Observatory also launched the "MyOceanWeather Gallery" on its website today to showcase photos taken by mariners at sea, with themes including "Cloud", "Ocean", "Weather Phenomenon", "Atmospheric Optics" and "Celestial Objects". Members of the public are welcome to browse and share the photos they took during sea voyages through the following website: