Closing the gap: how can we address the gender pay gap?

Gender pay gap workshop

In April 2017, the UK government introduced new legislation requiring public and private sector employers with 250 or more employees to publish data on the gender pay gap within their organisations. The first deadline for reporting was April 2018. Employers are also encouraged to publish an action plan on how they will address the pay gap in their organisation.

There are many business and other benefits to tackling the gender pay gap. The UK is keen to share experience of introducing this ground-breaking legislation with international partners, to enable them to introduce similar legislation. The UK is also keen to learn from partners and businesses on what tools they have introduced to tackle this issue in their country.

On 19 September 2019, British Embassy Warsaw, together with the UK Government Equalities Office and Poland’s Congress of Women, will host a half-day workshop to share experience and best practices on how to tackle the gender pay gap in Poland and in the UK.

The workshop will be led by experts from the UK Government Equalities office. It will include:

  • Full details on the new UK Gender Pay Gap (GPG) regulations
  • Details from the first year of mandatory reporting and results in the UK
  • Details of employer outreach programmes and the support for business
  • Views from Polish experts
  • Views from business representatives

Registration is free but places are limited.

Published 9 September 2019