‘Clear understanding’ in ongoing talks between Greek Cypriot, Turkish Cypriot sides – UN

1 July 2017 – Secretary-General António Guterres has met with the leaders of the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities and their backers at the Conference on Cyprus in Switzerland, saying there is now an understanding of what is needed for a possible settlement on the Mediterranean island.

In a statement from his spokesperson, the Secretary-General said he held a &#8220positive, results-oriented meeting&#8221 last night with the heads of the delegation, including Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci.

&#8220A clear understanding emerged of the essential elements of a package that might lead to a comprehensive settlement in Cyprus,&#8221 the spokesperson said, adding that the talks are continuing today at the political level.

&#8220The Secretary-General remains fully engaged in these efforts to deliver a comprehensive settlement to the people of Cyprus,&#8221 said the spokesperson.

Also attending the UN backed Conference, which began on 28 June in the Swiss town of Crans-Montana, are the three guarantor powers &#8211 Greece, Turkey and the United Kingdom &#8211 and a European Union representative, as an observer.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974. The negotiations have come down to six main areas, which include new territorial boundaries, power-sharing and the economy.