Civil aviation authorities of Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao sign Joint Maintenance Management Cooperation Arrangement (with photo)

     The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), the Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong (CAD) and the Civil Aviation Authority of Macao (AACM) signed the Joint Maintenance Management Cooperation Arrangement (Cooperation Arrangement) in Shenzhen today (November 30). The new Cooperation Arrangement aims at enabling holders of aircraft maintenance licences issued by the three authorities to work in the aircraft maintenance organisations located in the three places. The Cooperation Arrangement was signed by Deputy Administrator of the CAAC Mr Hu Zhenjiang; the Director-General of the CAD, Mr Victor Liu; and the President of the AACM, Mr Chan Weng-hong.

     The three parties established a Joint Maintenance Management (JMM) in 2001 as a platform to discuss and develop cooperation on matters related to continued airworthiness. Under the JMM, the Cooperation Arrangement on Mutual Acceptance of Approval of Aircraft Maintenance Organisations and the Cooperation Arrangement on Mutual Acceptance of Approval of Aircraft Maintenance Training Organisations were signed in 2006 and 2013 respectively. These two co-operation arrangements enabled aircraft maintenance organisations and aircraft maintenance training organisations located in the three places to flexibly provide services for the aviation industry.

     Seizing the opportunities of the National 14th Five-Year Plan to facilitate efficient flow of personnel, expand mutual recognition of professional qualifications and foster the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the three parties further expanded the scope of co-operation through mutual acceptance of aircraft maintenance licence holders, with a view to providing employment opportunities for licence holders at aircraft maintenance organisations in the three places.

     The Director-General of the CAD, Mr Victor Liu said, "The Cooperation Arrangement not only enables Hong Kong aircraft maintenance organisations to tap into a wider aircraft maintenance talent pool, it also offers more career opportunities to approximately 2 200 Hong Kong aircraft maintenance license holders and those aspiring to work in the industry. It will further strengthen Hong Kong's position as a leading international aviation hub."

     The Cooperation Arrangement will effectively optimise the sharing of training resources, minimise repetitive audits and facilitate the mobility of aircraft maintenance personnel in the three places. It also signifies an important milestone of closer and long-term co-operation amongst the three parties on aircraft maintenance management and will further boost the development of the aviation industry in the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao.
