Circular 008/2019: Schedule 7 to the Terrorism Act 2000

The Notice of Detention provides information to a detained person about their rights and obligations under Schedules 7 and 8 of the 2000 Act.

This Notice of Detention clarifies the conditions under which a person’s fingerprints and non-intimate samples can be taken in England, Wales and Northern Ireland or Scotland. It replaces the previous Notice of Detention, which was published as an annex to the March 2015 Schedule 7 Code of Practice.

Between February and April 2019, the government consulted on a revised version of the Schedule 7 Code of Practice following passage of the Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019. The government will publish the result of that consultation in due course with the view to laying the revised code before Parliament at the earliest opportunity.

Until the revised code of practice is approved by Parliament, police officers who exercise these Schedule 7 and 8 powers must use the revised Notice of Detention attached to this circular.