CHP follows up on two confirmed cases of COVID-19

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (May 5) said that it is following up on two confirmed cases of COVID-19 with the test results involving the N501Y mutant strain.

     The two cases involve two females aged 46 and 38, who both are domestic helpers. They reside at their employers' residences at Block N2 of Kornhill in Quarry Bay and Royalton in Pok Fu Lam respectively. The 46 year-old patient has been classified as a local case, whereas another patient is epidemiologically linked with the former case.

     A further analysis conducted by the Public Health Laboratory Services Branch of the DH yesterday evening revealed that as the two cases involved the N501Y mutant strain of higher transmissibility, the CHP decided to carry out prudent measures on infection control and prevention to stop the potential risk of spreading the N501Y mutant strain. The CHP will, in accordance with the Prevention and Control of Disease Regulation (Cap. 599A), transfer asymptomatic residents of all units on all floors of the buildings (involving around 230 units and 30 units separately) where the patients resided (Block N2 of Kornhill in Quarry Bay and Royalton in Pok Fu Lam) to quarantine centres. Symptomatic residents will be sent to the hospital for treatment. They will undergo compulsory quarantine for 21 days.

     The CHP said that in view of the threat posed by the mutant strain, it is imperative for people to get vaccinated. As the Government has launched the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, the CHP appeals to members of the public to get vaccinated as early as possible to protect themselves and others. Details of the programme can be found at the designated website (