CHP follows up on COVID-19 confirmed cases of Hiu Fung House, Fung Wah Estate in Chai Wan


     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (January 18) said as eight confirmed cases of COVID-19 recently occurred at Hiu Fung House, Fung Wah Estate in Chai Wan involved units 13 at three different floors, the CHP is proactively following up to investigate whether the infections of the cases are related, so as to stop the potential risk of further spread of the virus.

     The CHP has co-ordinated with related Government departments and conducted a site inspection this afternoon to the concerned floors and units of Hiu Fung House to investigate and examine if environmental factors were involved in the infection of the cases. As the patients live on the 12th floor or below, the CHP took into account the opinions from experts and decided to carry out prudent measures on infection control before the relevant departments completed their inspection of the pipes of the building. The DH will issue quarantine orders to all asymptomatic residents of units 13 between 1st floor and 12th floor of Hiu Fung House and transfer them to quarantine centres; symptomatic residents will be sent to the hospital for treatment. Separately, all asymptomatic residents of units 13 between 13th floor and 34th floor have to undergo COVID-19 nucleic acid tests again on January 21 and 28.

     The Government has earlier exercised power under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Compulsory Testing for Certain Persons) Regulation (Cap. 599J) to require any person who had been present at Hiu Fung House for more than two hours at any time during the period from January 2 to 15 (including but not limited to residents, visitors and workers) to undergo a COVID-19 nucleic acid test by January 18.

     The CHP spokesman urged all individuals who are in doubt about their own health condition, or individuals with exposure to infection risk, to undergo testing promptly for early identification of infected persons.

     For the well being of members of the public and public health safety, the Government appeals to the co-operation of all related residents to participate in the testing and stay home until the results of the tests are available, so as to prevent the risk of spreading the virus in the community.

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