CHP follows up on COVID-19 confirmed cases at Wai Lee Building in Quarry Bay

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (February 8) said that as four confirmed cases and three preliminary cases of COVID-19 recently occurred at four units in Wai Lee Building, 997 King's Road in Quarry Bay, the CHP is following up to investigate whether the infections of the cases are related, so as to mitigate the potential risk of the further spread of the virus.

     The Government enforced "restriction-testing declaration" and compulsory testing notice in the building last night (February 7) and detected three preliminary cases among the residents undergoing the testing. Two of the three cases resided in 04 unit as the previously confirmed case.

     The CHP has coordinated with related Government departments and conducted a field inspection this afternoon to the concerned floors and units of Wai Lee Building to investigate and examine if environmental factors were involved in the infection of the cases. After taking into account the opinions from experts and investigation findings, the CHP decided to carry out prudent infection control measures. As confirmed cases were found in three of 04 units, the DH will issue quarantine orders to all asymptomatic residents of 04 units from 1st floor to 23th floor of Wai Lee Building and transfer them to quarantine centres; whereas symptomatic residents will be sent to the hospital for treatment.

     The CHP spokesman urged all individuals who are in doubt about their own health condition, or individuals with exposure to infection risk, to undergo testing promptly for early identification of infection.