China’s top procuratorate increases int’l judicial cooperation


China’s Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP) has signed more than 130 bilateral cooperation agreements and memoranda of understanding with 98 overseas judicial organs so far to improve handling of transnational crime.

China’s membership of the United Nations Convention against Corruption has made it possible for the SPP to seek or offer judicial assistance in criminal cases with judicial organs in 175 countries and regions.

The SPP has been designated as one of the Chinese central authorities in 13 legal assistance agreements signed between China and foreign countries.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, the SPP has signed 24 cooperation agreements, memoranda of understanding, and plans with judiciaries in 19 countries and regions.

International cooperation has helped to fight corruption, terrorism, money laundering, internet and drug crime, according to the SPP.

Procuratorates have handled 632 international criminal cases since 2013.

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