China to introduce official medals and titles of honor

China’s national medals and honorary titles include Medals of the Republic, July 1 Medals, Aug. 1 Medals, Friendship Medals, and national titles of honor. [File Photo] 

The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has approved a series of documents to set up an honoring system for the contributors in the Party, the country and the military.

According to the documents, China’s national medals and honorary titles include Medals of the Republic, July 1 Medals, Aug. 1 Medals, Friendship Medals, and national titles of honor.

The Medals of the Republic, the highest honor of the country, will be given to honor those with great contributions and distinguished service for the Party, the country and the people, said the documents.

The July 1 Medals, the highest honor of the CPC, will be awarded to CPC members who have made great contributions to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the construction of the CPC.

The Aug. 1 Medals, the highest honor of the military, will be given to servicemen and women who have strongly safeguarded the country’s sovereignty, national security and benefit, and who have made outstanding contributions to the development of national defense and the modernization of the military.

The Friendship Medals will be presented to foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to China’s socialist modernization drive, promoted exchange and cooperation between China and the world, and helped maintain world peace.

National titles of honor will be awarded for prominent figures who have made great contributions and earned reputations in fields such as economy, education, science, culture and sports.

The documents also stressed that a record book will be kept to remember the recipients and their deeds.