China launches emergency response for dual typhoons

China Saturday launched a medium-level emergency response plan to brace for the upcoming dual typhoons.

The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters launched a level III emergency response plan for the two typhoons set to hit Taiwan and Fujian this weekend.

Nesat, the ninth typhoon this year, is expected to make landfall in Taiwan Saturday and might land in the form of a typhoon or strong tropical storm in Fujian early Sunday.

The tenth typhoon is expected to hit central and northern Fujian late Sunday or early Monday.

Downpours are forecast in eastern part of south China, east China and Shandong Province, and the biggest rainfall in Fujian could reach 500 millimeters.

China has a four-level emergency response mechanism to deal with droughts and floods, with the first-level to deal with the most serious cases and the fourth-level to prepare for the least serious cases.

Under a level III emergency response plan, the office must report to the State Council within two hours and send a work team to the disaster zone within 24 hours.

The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters urged local governments to prepare for the typhoons with timely warning, safety checks and effective flood drainage measures.