Children’s Rights Education Funding Scheme opens for application


     The Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau (CMAB) is inviting applications under the 2022 Children's Rights Education Funding Scheme. The deadline for application is November 4, 2021.

     A spokesman for the CMAB said today (October 5), "The Government has been committed to co-operating with different sectors of the community to promote children's rights. In particular, we hope to enhance public awareness and understanding of children's rights enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child by encouraging and supporting more organisations to take up educational projects through the Funding Scheme."

     Since the establishment of the Funding Scheme in 2006, enthusiastic support from organisations has been received in every round of application. The funded activities have targeted different social groups, and have enhanced the public awareness of children's rights. So far, the Funding Scheme has funded over 400 projects carried out by various organisations, including community organisations, children's groups and secondary and primary schools.

     The 2022 Funding Scheme will offer sponsorships under the "District-focused Project" and "Territory-wide Project" categories. Application information is available at the CMAB website ( For enquiries, please contact the Children's Rights Unit of the CMAB at 3655 4179.

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