Children’s Minister visits Newtown’s new family centre

In 2017, the Welsh Government awarded Powys County Council £257,000 to develop the former Dafydd Llwyd Primary School site in Park Street as the town’s new Integrated Family Centre. 

This allowed the former family centre, based at Mochdre Industrial Estate on the edge of the town, and the Skylark Family Centre, to co-locate in one central location, next to Hafren and Ladywell schools, which allows easier access for families.

The new centre will play a vital role in the delivery of Flying Start, the Welsh Government’s flagship early years programme, in the town. It will provide activities such as parent and toddler groups, baby massage, information, parenting training programmes, health advice and health visitor drop in service, family support and counselling. 

Minister for Children, Huw Irranca-Davies said:

“It was a real pleasure to visit Newtown today to see for myself how Welsh Government investment is benefiting the town’s children and their families. 

“The £257,000 investment we have made has allowed Powys County Council to develop a new, modern facility which will make it far easier for children and their families to access services.

“As a government, we are determined to give all our children the very best start in life. That’s why we’re investing to ensure the continued success of the Flying Start programme and to ensure it meets the changing needs of the families we support across Wales. It continues to make a real difference to the lives of children in some of our most disadvantaged communities.”