Childcare providers asked to #TalkChildcare


The first phase of the campaign aimed to understand the current barriers parents face in accessing childcare and what’s important to them about the new offer. The second phase will ask providers including childminders, nursery owners, cylchoedd meithrin and sessional care providers for their experiences in delivering childcare through online questionnaires, focus groups and direct consultation. 

The campaign coincides with testing of the Childcare Offer in seven local authority areas. These pilots are currently testing all aspects of the new Childcare Offer for Wales to ensure it will be accessible to parents, deliverable for providers and sustainable in the long-term once rolled out across Wales. 

The Welsh Government is also supporting the Childcare Works project which aims to support unemployed young people into a career within the early years and childcare sector. This will help to build the capacity of the sector to meet the increased demand as a result of the Childcare Offer. 

Communities and Children Secretary Carl Sargeant said:

“The Childcare Offer for Wales is one of the biggest developments in the sector for many years. 

“We are keen to work with Childcare providers across Wales to ensure that there is a good awareness of the Childcare Offer, and to seek feedback on their experiences delivering childcare provision. The next phase of our #TalkChildcare campaign will not only help inform our Childcare Offer, but will help us learn about how the sector can be supported to thrive across Wales.

“I urge all providers across the sector, from childminders, day nurseries, cylchoedd meithrin, sessional provision and clubs, , to have their say and share their knowledge and valuable experience with us to help us shape our new Childcare Offer for Wales.”

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