Chief Executive’s Office responds to media enquiries

     In response to media enquiries on the suspected security loopholes in the application procedures for credit reports from TransUnion Limited (TransUnion), a spokesman for the Chief Executive's Office said:

     As TransUnion holds a massive amount of the public's personal data, it has the responsibility to protect such data with effective security measures. If there are any loopholes in the system, TransUnion must take immediate remedial actions to protect the rights of the public. We noticed that the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data issued a statement yesterday (November 28), stating that the Office had contacted TransUnion and initiated a compliance check to find out the facts and assist the company in taking immediate remedial actions. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has also requested through the Hong Kong Association of Banks TransUnion to investigate the incident immediately and to strengthen the authentication procedures required to obtain the personal data as soon as possible.
     As regards the Chief Executive's personal data, the Chief Executive has received a letter from TransUnion stating that the company has taken remedial measures to enhance data protection.