Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran: Simon Shercliff


Press release

Mr Simon Shercliff CMG OBE has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Mr Simon Shercliff CMG OBE

Mr Simon Shercliff CMG OBE has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran in succession to Mr Rob Macaire CMG. Mr Shercliff will take up his appointment during August 2021.


Full name: Simon Shercliff

Married to: Emma Louise Shercliff

Children: Two

2018 to 2021 FCO, Director, National Security
2017 to 2018 Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Yemen
2014 to 2016 Abuja, Deputy Head of Mission
2012 to 2014 FCO, Head, Counter Terrorism Department
2011 to 2012 FCO, Deputy Head, South Asia Department
2008 to 2011 Washington DC, First Secretary – Afghanistan/Pakistan
2007 to 2008 Kabul, Acting Political Counsellor
2006 to 2008 Washington DC, First Secretary – Strategic Threats
2004 to 2006 FCO, Press Officer, then Acting Press Secretary
2003 to 2004 Baghdad, Private Secretary to UK Special Representative to Iraq
2003 FCO, Head of Political Section, Iraq Policy Department
2000 to 2003 Tehran, Second Secretary – Political
1998 to 1999 FCO, Assistant Desk Officer, Resource Planning Department
1998 Joined FCO

Published 21 June 2021

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