Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, December 2021


Press release

Dr David Ellis OBE has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in succession to Mr Colin Crooks LVO.

Dr David Ellis OBE has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Dr David Ellis OBE has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in succession to Mr Colin Crooks LVO who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Dr Ellis will take up his appointment with immediate effect.


Full name: David Ellis

2020 to 2021 Full time language training (Korean)
2016 to 2020 Tokyo, Minister and Deputy Head of Mission
2016 Full time language training (Japanese)
2011 to 2015 Beijing, Minister Counsellor (Political)
2007 to 2011 Tokyo, Director of Corporate Services and Consul General
2004 to 2006 FCO, Deputy Head, Afghanistan Group
2002 to 2004 FCO Deputy Head, Far Eastern Group
1999 to 2002 Beijing, First Secretary (Internal) and Deputy Political Counsellor
1996 to 1999 FCO, Senior Research Officer, Research Analysts

Published 16 December 2021

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