Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Mexico: Jon Benjamin


Press release

Mr Jon Benjamin has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Mexico in succession to Ms Corin Robertson who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mr Benjamin will take up his appointment during August 2021.

Full name: Jonathan Benjamin

Married to: Carolina Vasquez

Children: One son

Dates Role
2017 to 2020 FCDO, Director of Learning, Principal of the Diplomatic Academy; also FCO, Alternate Director, Operations, COVID-19 Taskforce (March – June 2020)
2014 to 2017 Accra, High Commissioner and Her Majesty’s Non-Resident Ambassador to Togo, Benin and Burkina Faso
2009 to 2014 Santiago, Her Majesty’s Ambassador
2009 Full-time Language Training (Spanish)
2008 to 2009 Secondments as adviser to the Boards of AIG (New York) and Eurasia Group (New York)
2005 to 2008 New York, Deputy, later Acting, Consul-General
2002 to 2005 FCO, Head, Human Rights Policy Department
2000 to 2001 FCO, Deputy Head, Drugs and International Crime Department
2000 FCO, Head, Zimbabwe Emergency Unit
1996 to 1999 Ankara, First Secretary (Head of Political Section)
1995 to 1996 Full-time Language Training (Turkish)
1993 to 1995 FCO, Private Secretary to Minister for Europe and Latin America
1992 to 1993 FCO, Head of Section (Central Asia/Caucasus), Eastern Department
1988 to 1991 Jakarta, Third, later Second Secretary (Political)
1987 to 1988 Full-time Language Training (Indonesian)
1986 to 1987 FCO, Desk Officer for Burma and Laos
1986 DFID (then ODA), Desk Officer for Pakistan


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Published 19 January 2021

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