Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Libya: Caroline Hurndall MBE

Press release

Ms Caroline Hurndall MBE has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Libya in succession to Mr Nicholas Hopton. Ms Hurndall will take up her appointment during September 2021.

Caroline Hurndall MBE

Curriculum vitae

Full name: Caroline Hurndall

Married to: Dominic Hurndall

Dates Role
2020 to present Full-time Language Training
2017 to 2019 FCO, Head, Iran and Iraq Department, Middle East and North Africa Directorate
2013 to 2017 Washington, Head, Middle East Team
2011 to 2013 FCO, Head, Sudan Team, Joint FCO-DFID Unit
2010 to 2011 FCO, Press Officer for Middle East, Media Office
2009 Helmand, UK Political Advisor to US Commanding General, Marine Expeditionary Brigade
2008 to 2009 Kabul, Second Secretary – Political/Military
2006 to 2008 FCO, Programme Manager, Afghan Drugs Inter-Departmental Unit
2004 to 2006 FCO, Desk Officer – Peacekeeping, Conflict Issues Group


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Published 5 August 2021