Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Denmark – August 2020

Mrs Emma Hopkins OBE

Mrs Emma Hopkins OBE has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark

Mrs Emma Hopkins OBE has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark in succession to Mr Dominic Schroeder who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mrs Hopkins will take up her appointment during August 2020.

Full name: Emma Kate Hopkins

Married to: Steven Hopkins

Children: Two daughters

2015 to present Sofia, Her Majesty’s Ambassador
2012 to 2014 FCO, Head of Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative
2009 to 2012 Home Office, Head of EU/International Team, Legal Adviser’s Branch
2006 to 2009 Home Office, Head of Organised Immigration Crime, Organised and Financial Crime Unit
2001 to 2006 Home Office, Legal Adviser’s Branch, Senior Advisory Lawyer
1995 to 2001 Chambers of Kieran Coonan Queen’s Counsel, Barrister

Further information


Published 20 December 2019