Change of Governor of Bermuda: December 2020


Press release

Ms Rena Lalgie has been appointed Governor of Bermuda in succession to Mr John Rankin CMG.

Ms Rena Lalgie

Ms Rena Lalgie has been appointed Governor of Bermuda in succession to Mr John Rankin CMG who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Ms Lalgie will take up her appointment during December 2020.


Full name: Rena Lalgie

Married to: Jacob Hawkins

Children: Two

2016 to present HM Treasury, Director of Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation
2015 to 2016 UK Trade and Investment, Director of Operations, Trade Group
2013 to 2015 Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, Deputy Director, Industrial Strategy
2010 to 2013 Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, Deputy Director, Information Economy and Cyber Security
2008 to 2010 Better Regulation Executive, Deputy Director, Domestic Affairs and Public Sector
2007 to 2008 HM Treasury, Head of Counter-Terrorism and Security Review
2007 to 2015 Justice of the Peace (Central London Bench)
2006 to 2007 Cabinet Office, Civil Contingencies Secretariat, Team Leader, Strategic Planning
2004 to 2006 HM Treasury, Head of Criminal Justice System and Crime Branch
2003 to 2004 HM Treasury, Drugs and Organized Crime Policy Analyst
2003 Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, Drugs Policy Analyst
2001 to 2003 Home Office, Young People Substance Misuse Policy Adviser
1998 to 2001 Short-term posts and internships at Commonwealth Institute, FCO, Home Office and No10

Further information

Published 12 June 2020

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