Chairman of LegCo Panel on Security reviews CSD passing-out parade (with photos)


     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) held a passing-out parade at the Hong Kong Correctional Services Academy today (March 22). The Chairman of the Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Security, Mr Chan Hak-kan, reviewed the parade, marking the graduation of 42 Officers and 81 Assistant Officers II.
     At the parade, the CSD Guard of Honour and passing-out correctional officers assembled to form the two Chinese characters of "correction" and "rehabilitation" during a foot drill demonstration, symbolising that they will take on the challenges ahead with courage, continue to support the Department's principle of placing dual emphasis on safe custody and rehabilitation and assist persons in custody (PICs) to get back on the right track. They then assembled to form a shield pattern incorporated with the number "23", symbolising that the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance can safeguard the country and protect Hong Kong like a shield, while correctional officers are strongly committed to ensuring the effective implementation of the Ordinance, so as to protect national security.
     Speaking at the parade, Mr Chan pointed out that correctional officers have been serving their duties steadfastly and diligently to protect the public and prevent crime for a better Hong Kong. He said that he witnessed the remarkable achievements of the CSD in its custodial and rehabilitation work, which are widely recognised by the community.
     Mr Chan mentioned that the redevelopment of the Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre, which has successfully secured funding approval from the LegCo Finance Committee, would give solid support for the CSD's future development to cater for the increasing remand penal population in recent years.
     He commended the CSD for launching the Social Visit e-Booking Service last November, which offers greater convenience to visitors by shortening the waiting time for registration in correctional institutions. The CSD also launched a series of new initiatives on rehabilitation such as setting up the Ethics College at Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution and Lo Wu Correctional Institution last October to provide a one-year full-time Diploma of Applied Education programme for adult PICs, assisting them to equip themselves and providing them with opportunities for upward mobility. Moreover, the CSD has established four multi-purpose family and rehabilitation service centres in Shau Kei Wan, Tuen Mun, Sha Tin and Sheung Shui. Apart from providing video social visit services to the families and friends of PICs, the centres also provide psychological and counselling services for rehabilitated persons and their families, with a view to strengthening their determination to rehabilitate through restoring family relationships.
     Praising the CSD's community education work, Mr Chan said that the department has organised a wide variety of diversified community education activities under the Rehabilitation Pioneer Project to disseminate to young people the messages of safeguarding the country and home, leading a law-abiding and drug-free life as well as supporting offender rehabilitation. In addition, the CSD has organised the Chinese Cultural Journey exchange programme last year, under which arrangements are made for trainees of its youth uniformed group, the Rehabilitation Pioneer Leaders, to visit cities of the Greater Bay Area, with a view to nurturing them into a new generation of young people with an affection for the country and a global vision.
     Mr Chan encouraged the passing-out correctional officers to stay united, display good team spirit and rise to challenges in the face of difficulties and adversities, guarding the last element of Hong Kong's criminal justice system.
     During the parade, Mr Chan presented the Principal's Shield to two Officers, namely Mr Dy Derrick Klein A and Ms Shiu Man-yip, and the Golden Whistle to four Assistant Officers II, namely Mr Tam Siu-hin, Ms Ho Wing-shan, Mr Chan Hei and Mr Yu Chi-chiu, for their outstanding performance in the recruit training.

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