Chair of the Board of Community Health Councils in Wales to step down

She was appointed in November 2015, and will step down from the post with effect from 30 November due to a combination of other competing work commitments and personal reasons.

Mutale Merrill said: 

“At a time when legislation is to be brought forward to introduce a new Citizens’ Voice body for Wales, the role of Chair should be performed by someone who is able to lead the Board of CHCs through the transitional period, which extends beyond my current term of office. 

I wish my successor well during this important time and would be delighted to speak to prospective candidates about the role.”     

Health Secretary, Vaughan Gething said: 

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mutale for the enormous contribution she has made over the last three years in protecting and strengthening the value and integrity of Community Health Councils across Wales and equipping them to take advantage of the changes and improvements that lie ahead. I know that Mutale has enjoyed her time in post, and I wish her well for the future.”

The Welsh Government is recruiting a new Chair through the Public Appointments process. The appointment is remunerated and the closing date for applications is 8th November 2018.