CE’s statement on 2022-23 Budget


     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, today (February 23) issued the following statement on the 2022-23 Budget:

     The Financial Secretary today delivered the fifth and final Budget of the current-term Government, at a time when Hong Kong is facing the unprecedented challenges posed by the rapid worsening of the fifth wave of the COVID-19 epidemic. The trades affected are under immense pressure and many of the grassroots hard hit. At this difficult time, the 2022-23 Budget is a timely and appropriate Budget that deserves the support of society at large by putting forward the following: (i) supporting an all-out effort to win the fight against the epidemic; (ii) relieving the hardship of Hong Kong's people and its small and medium-sized enterprises; (iii) rendering support to the struggling economy and fostering a post-epidemic economic revival; and (iv) investing for the future by planning ahead for the medium- and long-term development of Hong Kong's economy.   

     With the stable development of our economy over the years and the fiscal prudence exercised by the Government, Hong Kong has adequate financial reserves to tide over the difficult time and retain strength. The series of measures put forward by the Financial Secretary will bring timely relief to enterprises and the public, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises and the grassroots community. In particular, the second round of the electronic consumption voucher scheme to be launched is expected to be welcomed not only by the public, but also by the retail, catering and other consumption-related sectors that stand to benefit from it. 

     I especially subscribe to the continuous commitment by the 2022-23 Budget to talent nurturing, innovation and technology development and the Northern Metropolis, which will enable Hong Kong to grasp the opportunities ahead and scale new heights. With this, coupled with Hong Kong's closer economic integration with the Mainland as underpinned by the National 14th Five-Year Plan promulgated last year, society at large should have every confidence in our city's economic prospects. May I appeal to all sectors of the community to support this Budget and, with the Central Authorities' staunch support, fight the epidemic in concert in order for our people to resume normal lives early.

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