Census and Statistics Department appeals to households to respond to statistical surveys through online and telephone means

     In view of severity of the COVID-19 epidemic, a spokesman for the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) today (July 28) appealed to households again to participate in its surveys, including the Pilot Survey for 2021 Population Census and the General Household Survey (GHS), by online questionnaire or telephone interview in order to reduce face-to-face contacts.
     The C&SD is conducting the Pilot Survey for 2021 Population Census from June 23 to August 4 to test the questionnaire design and operational arrangements for the 2021 Population Census to be conducted in mid-2021. The spokesman said, "Completing the online questionnaire is convenient and secure. It enables households to submit the requested information anytime and anywhere through the dedicated and secured website using their computers or mobile devices."
     The GHS is conducted continuously on a monthly basis to collect information on the labour force, employment, unemployment and underemployment, as well as the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population in Hong Kong.
     Households sampled for a C&SD survey will receive notification letters issued by the department. Households can follow the instructions in the letters to complete the online questionnaire, call the C&SD for telephone interview or return the completed paper questionnaire by post (where applicable).
     For enquiries, please contact the C&SD by telephone or email:

Survey Telephone number Email address
Pilot Survey for 2021 Population Census 182021 census2021@censtatd.gov.hk
General Household Survey 2887 5526 household-survey@censtatd.gov.hk
2019/20 Household Expenditure Survey 3188 2107 hesurvey@censtatd.gov.hk