CE welcomes over 200 delegates of Second 2024 ABAC Meeting in Hong Kong (with photos)

     The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, today (April 23) hosted a welcome dinner for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council (ABAC) delegates attending the second 2024 ABAC Meeting in Hong Kong from April 22 to 25.

     With the attendance of more than 200 ABAC members and staffers from APEC's 21 member economies, the second 2024 ABAC Meeting focuses its discussions on business sector priorities in the key areas of trade and investment facilitation, digital transformation, sustainability and inclusion under the theme "People, Business, Prosperity" for ABAC 2024, chaired by ABAC Peru.

     Speaking at the welcome dinner, Mr Lee highlighted the commitment of Hong Kong, China (HKC) to APEC. "We firmly believe in regional economic integration. We believe that co-operation, at every level, is essential if we are to overcome our shared global challenges," he said.

     "More than good business partners, the economies of APEC are incubators of ideas, promoting inclusive, innovative and sustainable growth for the Asia-Pacific region. We value the input and insights of ABAC and its business leaders in realising these collective goals," he said.

     Mr Lee also shared with ABAC delegates HKC's growth strategy through innovation, inclusiveness and sustainability, adding that he looked forward to working with the ABAC business community in fostering growth in the region.

     The second 2024 ABAC Meeting was officially opened this morning at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Addressing at the opening ceremony, the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, stressed Hong Kong's staunch commitment to forging closer regional collaboration. He said, "As a member of APEC, Hong Kong, China is a proud contributor to the region's economic development. We are committed to communicating and co-operating with other member economies to advance the APEC and ABAC agenda, for the benefits of the businesses and people in the region."

     Mr Chan highlighted three areas on which Hong Kong could further work together with ABAC, namely to promote international free trade and overcome roadblocks to supply chain and logistics network; advance regional green transition and transformation; and drive the growth of the digital economy.

     The second 2024 ABAC Meeting, spanning four days, will continue to engage ABAC delegates in in-depth discussions on regional economic integration, sustainability, human development and innovation. In addition to meetings, the delegates will have the opportunity to visit various places in Hong Kong to experience its cultural scenes, performance sports, latest technological development, start-up ecosystem, smart health care, conservation efforts and world-class logistics infrastructure.

     Set up in 1989, APEC is a forum for high-level government-to-government dialogue on trade and economic issues. It currently comprises 21 member economies.

     ABAC was established in 1996 as a permanent business advisory body to provide advice to APEC on business sector priorities. The Chief Executive has appointed Ms Marjorie Yang, Ms Mary Huen and Ms Nisa Leung as HKC's representatives to ABAC, as well as Mr Spencer Fung and Mr Duncan Chiu as HKC's alternate representatives.

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