CE welcomes appointment of Cui Jianchun as Commissioner of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in HKSAR


     The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, today (April 10) welcomed the Central Government's appointment of Mr Cui Jianchun as the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).
     Mr Lee said, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the HKSAR (OCMFA), the HKSAR has been developing its external affairs in accordance with the Basic Law to foster Hong Kong's external exchanges and co-operation, enhancing its international impact and competitiveness. The OCMFA has also rendered consular protection and appropriate assistance to Hong Kong citizens in distress overseas. In recent years, with the strong support of the Central Government and the assistance of the OCMFA, a number of HKSAR young public officers have worked in the United Nations as Chinese personnel to give their best in the international arena, contributing to the development of the country and Hong Kong, and telling good stories of Hong Kong to the world.
     Mr Lee said that as a veteran diplomat, Mr Cui has significant experience in overseas assignments. Mr Lee said he firmly believes that under Mr Cui's leadership, the OCMFA will continue to work closely with the HKSAR Government in taking forward different areas of work. The HKSAR Government will continue to dovetail with the overall strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and accurately explain Hong Kong's latest developments to overseas audiences, telling good stories of Hong Kong and the "one country, two systems" principle.

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