CE visits Yuen Long to gather public views on Policy Address (with photos)


     The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, visited Yuen Long today (September 17) to meet and exchange views with local residents to listen to their suggestions for the upcoming Policy Address. He also inspected the effective outcome of tackling hygiene black spots in the district.
     The Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing; the Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan; the Secretary for Housing, Ms Winnie Ho; the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Miss Alice Mak; and the Director of Home Affairs, Mrs Alice Cheung, also joined the district visit.

     Accompanied by the District Officer (Yuen Long), Mr Gordon Wu, Mr Lee and the officials first visited a grassroots family living in a subdivided flat to learn more about their living conditions and issues they encounter in their daily lives and raising their children.
     Mr Lee then inspected a hygiene black spot at Yuen Long New Street to learn more about the effectiveness of the joint efforts made by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and the Police in combating shop front extensions. He also chatted with members of the public to understand their daily lives. He was pleased to receive positive feedback regarding the improvement in hygiene and their support for the Government's measures.
     Mr Lee said that since the launch of the Government Programme on Tackling Hygiene Black Spots last August by the District Matters Co-ordination Task Force, chaired by the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, more than 700 hygiene black spots have been eliminated and cleansing of more than 4 000 public places has been strengthened, resulting in enhanced environmental hygiene and cityscape. Noting that tackling hygienic black spots requires perseverance and sustained efforts, Mr Lee said that under the strengthened district governance structure, the Steering Committee on District Governance chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Task Force on District Governance chaired by the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration will better promote co-ordination and co-operation in district work, and formulate and direct appropriate responses for the benefit of the general public.
     Afterwards, Mr Lee and the officials went to a local restaurant, where they interacted with members of the public having morning tea and listened to their views on the upcoming Policy Address.
     "I have felt the support and demand from the public for the Government to make continuous improvement of their livelihood and living conditions, and I can feel everyone's deep affection for Hong Kong, our home. My team and I will continue to visit different districts to listen to their views. We will do our utmost for the people's livelihood and the economy," Mr Lee said.

     The public consultation exercise for the 2023 Policy Address was launched in late July. Mr Lee appealed to members of the public to actively give their views on issues of their interests to the Government.

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