CE visits Police Headquarters (with photos)

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, today (December 31) visited the Police Headquarters in Wan Chai to learn more about police logistics support services and the work of the Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB).
     Accompanied by the Commissioner of Police, Mr Tang Ping-keung, Mrs Lam was briefed on the catering arrangements for frontline officers on duty. She also encouraged them and thanked the officers for discharging their duties with professionalism to maintain law and order in Hong Kong under extremely severe conditions during the past year. In particular, she expressed her gratitude to the volunteers for their steady support for the force during the past months.
     Mrs Lam, accompanied by the acting Deputy Commissioner of Police (Management), Ms Edwina Lau, then received a briefing on physical and psychological health support services provided by the force to frontline officers. Frontline police officers have had to work long hours in recent months. Some have been injured on duty, while some officers’ family members have fallen victim to doxxing. Noting that Police Welfare Officers provide support to those officers to help in medical, emotional and parenting areas, Mrs Lam said relevant government departments will spare no effort to provide assistance. She added that the actions of Police Welfare Officers can help frontline officers relieve stress.
     Later, Mrs Lam visited the PPRB to learn more about the continual strengthening of its capability to disseminate information in recent months. This includes releasing messages more proactively and on more platforms, with a view to clarifying fake news and unfounded allegations against the Police more quickly and accurately. She also lauded the hard work of the officers who host press conferences regularly to update the public on the latest situation, and the effectiveness of their work.
     Mrs Lam said that Hong Kong has been experiencing an unprecedented difficult situation in which the extremely violent and vandalistic acts by a handful of rioters had increased the workload and pressure of police officers. This has occurred while a large volume of online fabricated, biased and slanderous remarks against the force has also increased tensions in the relationship between the Police and citizens. Nevertheless, she believed that police officers will continue to stand fast in their posts, enforce the laws without fear or favour and discharge their duties in the spirit of “Serving Hong Kong with honour, duty and loyalty” to protect its citizens. She stressed that the entire government team will continue to support the force to enable society to return to normal as soon as possible.

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