CE visits Fire Services Department and inspects infection control measures at Queensway Government Offices (with photos/video)

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, visited Lei Muk Shue Fire Station and Ambulance Depot in Kwai Chung today (February 28), expressing her gratitude to firemen and ambulancemen for fighting COVID-19 infection at the forefront by providing emergency services to the public day and night. She then visited Queensway Government Offices (QGO) to inspect the infection control measures implemented in the building to prepare for the gradual resumption of more public services next Monday (March 2).
     Accompanied by the Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, and the Director of Fire Services, Mr Li Kin-yat, Mrs Lam visited Lei Muk Shue Fire Station and Ambulance Depot to meet with front-line personnel to learn more about the emergency services carried out by firemen and ambulancemen amid the epidemic. They include the first responder service, treatment, delivery to hospitals and inter-hospital transfer for patients of suspected and confirmed cases, as well as fire safety support for the quarantine centres. Noting that firemen and ambulancemen are invariably the first ones to contact patients, she said that although the department has provided appropriate protection and operational guidelines, front-line colleagues and their families are unavoidably subject to pressure psychologically amid the epidemic. Praising the firemen and ambulancemen for their commitment in providing emergency services and serving the public with bravery and professionalism under pressure, she stressed that the Government will prioritise the distribution of protective equipment to front-line colleagues including firemen and ambulancemen so that they can work with peace of mind. She also expressed her gratitude to the current and retired staff members of the Fire Services Department who are proactively participating in anti-epidemic voluntary work, working together with the community to fight the disease.
     Accompanied by the Government Property Administrator, Miss Leonia Tai, Mrs Lam then inspected the preparatory work for the implementation of infection control measures at QGO, including enhancing the cleaning of public facilities, such as lifts and escalators; checking the body temperature of persons entering the government building and its offices; and providing alcohol hand sanitiser and sanitising mats. The Government announced yesterday that, upon the instruction of the Steering Committee cum Command Centre in relation to the COVID-19 virus, the Government will implement targeted measures to reduce social contact and other infection control measures and gradually resume more public services from March 2 in an orderly manner.
     Mrs Lam chatted with cleaning and security workers at the government offices, expressing her gratitude for the large volume of extra work they have done for the public amid the epidemic. She said that under the Anti-epidemic Fund, each cleaning worker, toilet attendant and security worker engaged under government and Hong Kong Housing Authority service contracts will be provided with a monthly allowance of $1,000 for no fewer than four months as financial support for them as well as recognition for their committed services provided at this critical juncture.
     "The situation of infection is still severe and it may last for some time. The Government will continue to put the prevention and control of the disease as our top priority and various government departments will gradually resume public services while reducing social contact as far as possible and implementing other infection control measures. I hope that members of the public will bear with the inconvenience caused by the incomplete resumption of public services. I also appeal to the public to support the work of the Government on prevention and control of the disease to fight the epidemic together," Mrs Lam said.

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