CE to visit Japan


     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, will visit Japan from October 29 to November 2. The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC; the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau; and the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W Yang, will join parts of the visit. 

     During the five-day visit, Mrs Lam will meet with senior government officials, members of parliament, members of the business and political sectors and professionals in Japan. She will speak at the "Think Global, Think Hong Kong" symposium and dinner organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and at an activity to promote tourism in the Greater Bay Area organised by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, as well as at a forum on financial co-operation between the Greater Bay Area and Japanese enterprises organised by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Japan and the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong.

     In addition, Mrs Lam will attend an architecture exhibition organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, a cheongsam exhibition organised by the Hong Kong Arts Centre, and a special concert presented by alumni of the Asian Youth Orchestra from Hong Kong and Japan. She will also meet with the leaders of a number of education institutions and organisations specialising in innovation and technology (I&T), and conduct visits to seek further collaboration in I&T between Japan and Hong Kong.
     Mrs Lam will return to Hong Kong on November 2. During her absence, the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, will be the Acting Chief Executive.

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