CE receives third dose of COVID-19 vaccine (with photos)

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, today (November 11) received her third dose of the Sinovac vaccine at the Community Vaccination Centre at Java Road Sports Centre and inspected the operation of the centre with the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, and the Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, who are responsible for co-ordinating the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme. Mr Nip and Professor Chan also received their third doses of the Sinovac vaccine today.
     The Government, after taking reference from experts' recommendations, announced on November 3 that eligible persons under certain groups, i.e. immunocompromised patients and persons with a higher risk of infection, including elderly people aged 60 or above and persons with chronic illnesses, can receive a third dose of a COVID-19 vaccine free of charge starting from today. Members of the public may choose to take the Sinovac vaccine or the Fosun/BioNTech vaccine according to their own circumstances. Details of the third-dose COVID-19 vaccination arrangements are available at the designated website of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme (www.covidvaccine.gov.hk).
     After receiving their vaccine doses, Mrs Lam, Mr Nip and Professor Chan inspected the operation of the vaccination centre. They thanked the staff members for their hard work to contribute to the anti-epidemic efforts. They also chatted with members of the public who were there to get vaccinated. Mrs Lam said she was pleased to note that some eligible persons were receiving their third vaccine dose at the first opportunity and that they were satisfied with the vaccination arrangements.
     "With COVID-19 continuing to ravage the world, members of the public should get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect themselves, their family members and friends as well as the community. The more people get vaccinated, the greater the hope Hong Kong can emerge from the epidemic, and the sooner people can get back to their normal life, including the resumption of quarantine-free travel with the Mainland. I appeal to members of the public to take the first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccines as soon as possible and urge eligible persons under certain groups to receive their third dose of a vaccine on time," Mrs Lam said. 

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