CE officiates at “Together We Prosper” Grand Parade (with photos/video)


     The Security Bureau led the disciplined services, auxiliary services and nine youth groups to hold the "Together We Prosper" Grand Parade by Disciplined Services and Youth Groups for Celebrating the 73rd Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the Fire and Ambulance Services Academy in Tseung Kwan O this afternoon (September 24). The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, officiated at the grand parade.
     Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Lee said that colleagues from the disciplined services are at the forefront to maintain law and order. They protect the lives and property of Hong Kong citizens with selfless dedication and work tirelessly to prevent and suppress acts endangering national security. He added that the auxiliary services strive to support the regular disciplined services to contribute to the stability and order of society together.
     He also praised the disciplined services and auxiliary services for their commitment in various types of anti-epidemic work and pointed out that they are the most steadfast in the anti-epidemic team of Hong Kong. He said he was delighted with the participation of different youth uniformed groups in the grand parade and expressed the hope that they will become a new generation with a sense of responsibility, and with an aspiration and willingness to strive for the future of the country and of Hong Kong.
     The participating disciplined services and auxiliary services were the Customs and Excise Department, the Government Flying Service (GFS), the Correctional Services Department (CSD), the Fire Services Department, the Hong Kong Police Force, the Immigration Department, the Auxiliary Medical Service and the Civil Aid Service.
     Opening the grand parade, a flag-raising ceremony featured a Hong Kong Police Band performance, singing of the national anthem by the youth groups and a fly-past by GFS helicopters. Attractive performances that followed included a joint Chinese-style foot drill by the disciplined services, which was the first joint foot drill performance since the disciplined services adopted the Chinese-style foot drill. The disciplined services and auxiliary services conducted a military tattoo and music performances, and dog handlers of the disciplined services staged demonstrations of enforcement operations with working dogs.
     In addition, the youth groups under the disciplined services, namely the Customs Youth Leader Corps, the CSD's Rehabilitation Pioneer Leaders, the Fire and Ambulance Services Teen Connect, Junior Police Call, the Immigration Department Youth Leaders Corps, the Auxiliary Medical Service Cadet Corps and the Civil Aid Service Cadet Corps, performed dragon and lion dances and military boxing together with the Hong Kong Army Cadets Association and the Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps.
     The "Together We Prosper" Grand Parade by Disciplined Services and Youth Groups for Celebrating the 73rd Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region lasted for one and a half hours. Members of the public enjoyed the show via television and relevant social media platforms and websites.

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