CE hosts lunch for chamber representatives to gauge views (with photos)


     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, hosted a lunch for representatives of international and local chambers of commerce at Government House at noon today (July 30) to exchange views with them on Hong Kong's challenges and opportunities with a view to formulating policy measures that would better meet the needs of the community in the upcoming Policy Address.
     Mrs Lam said that due to the China-US trade friction and uncertainties in the external environment, Hong Kong's economic momentum has weakened in recent months, with only a modest growth of 0.6 per cent in the first quarter of this year and no room for optimism for the second quarter and the entire year. She said that the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has been closely monitoring the global and local economic situations and maintaining close contact with the business sector, including numerous local small and medium enterprises, to understand their needs. She added that the HKSAR Government will introduce measures in a timely manner to help companies cope with the economic downside risks.
     Mrs Lam also said that the disputes in society in recent months are not conducive to Hong Kong's continued development and that she would spare no efforts to deal with them. Emphasising that the rule of law is the cornerstone of the city's success and violence is not a solution to any problem, she expressed the hope that various sectors would jointly uphold the rule of law in Hong Kong. She pointed out that everyone should continue to have confidence in the city and she firmly believes that with the concerted efforts of various sectors, Hong Kong would find opportunities amid difficulties.
     Over the years, the Chief Executive would be invited by chambers of commerce to attend the Joint Business Community Luncheon after delivering the Policy Address to introduce the new initiatives and answer questions. To express her gratitude to the business sector for their long-standing support, and to listen to their views on the forthcoming Policy Address, she hosted a lunch for the chamber representatives for the first time at Government House this year. More than 40 leaders or senior representatives of major chambers of commerce attended.

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