CE exchanges views with Mainland experts on Hong Kong’s epidemic development and anti-epidemic measures (with photo)

     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, met with the visiting Mainland experts yesterday (March 23) to exchange views on the latest epidemic development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the anti-epidemic measures adopted. The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, the Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority, Dr Tony Ko, etc, joined the meeting. 

     Mrs Lam thanked the Central Authorities for supporting the HKSAR's anti-epidemic efforts. Three batches of experts with rich experience in combatting the epidemic had been sent to Hong Kong since the middle of last month to inspect and provide guidance on the HKSAR's work against the virus. Since their arrival in Hong Kong, the expert delegations had been meeting with different units of the HKSAR's anti-epidemic team for exchanges of views and visiting different locations of the HKSAR's anti-epidemic work, offering objective and pragmatic views in various areas. Mrs Lam expressed her sincere gratitude to them.

     Mrs Lam stressed that although the peak of the fifth wave of the epidemic had clearly been curbed, the HKSAR Government would not let down its guard and would continue to fully implement the strategy of reducing critical cases, deaths and infections. In addition to adopting targeted testing measures to pin down infections in the community as soon as possible, a multi-tiered triage and treatment strategy would be strengthened to provide appropriate support for patients, especially the elderly, having regard to the severity of their medical conditions. The vaccination rates of the elderly and children would also be boosted.

     Furthermore, the Mainland medical experts had fostered exchanges and co-operation in treatment between the Mainland and Hong Kong medical personnel. A case in point was the integration of Chinese and Western medicines in the community treatment facility at AsiaWorld-Expo, giving full play to the application strategies of Chinese medicine to prevent mild illnesses from turning serious and relieve symptoms. The HKSAR Government would continue to explore ways to further leverage Chinese medicine in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19.

     "The HKSAR Government is grateful to the Mainland experts for their hard work and guidance for Hong Kong. They have shared with us their observations and suggestions to help the HKSAR fight the virus," said Mrs Lam. "The HKSAR Government will continue to closely monitor the epidemic development, review it with experts and listen to the views of different sectors in society. An array of targeted anti-epidemic measures will be formulated and implemented so as to lead Hong Kong to ride out the epidemic."
