Cattle Depot Artist Village to reopen tomorrow

     The Commissioner for Heritage's Office of the Development Bureau announced today (February 18) that the Cattle Depot Artist Village will reopen tomorrow (February 19).
     Visitors are required to scan the "LeaveHomeSafe" QR code with their mobile phones or register their name, contact number and the time of visit before entering the Village for necessary contact tracing if a confirmed case is found.
     In addition, the venue will adopt the following special measures:

1. Visitors are requested to undergo temperature checks, use hand sanitiser and put on masks before entering the Village;
2. Visitors should use the main entrance at Ma Tau Kok Road. The entrances connecting with the Cattle Depot Art Park are temporarily closed; and
3. Group gatherings of more than the number of people as stipulated by the law will not be allowed.
     The Commissioner for Heritage's Office will monitor the situation closely and review the arrangements in a timely manner. For enquiries, please call the Cattle Depot Artist Village Management Office at 2364 2959.