Cash Payout Scheme advances payment for second batch of eligible registrants using paper forms to tomorrow

     The Government announced today (July 28) that according to the batching arrangement for paper registrations under the Cash Payout Scheme, the second batch of eligible people (i.e. people born in 1956 to 1970) who registered on or before July 18, involving about 356 000 persons, will receive payment or notifications for cheque collection starting from tomorrow (July 29), i.e. five days earlier than the original scheduled date of August 3. Registrants in this age group with registration forms submitted on or after July 19 will receive payment or notifications for cheque collection about two weeks after registration.     

     People who have submitted paper forms to banks (Form 1) will receive payment through their specified personal bank accounts. Those who have submitted registration forms to Hongkong Post (Form 2 in paper or electronic version) will receive notifications for cheque collection from Hongkong Post via SMS or letters. They may collect the order cheques in person from the post offices they specified during the period (about one month) set out in the notifications.

     In view of the Government's earlier announcement of extension of the special work arrangements for government employees, Hongkong Post has announced that the post offices in Wong Tai Sin District, where the epidemic is relatively severe, will be suspended from service from July 27 to August 2. These post offices are Choi Hung Chuen Post Office, Chuk Yuen Post Office, Fu Shan Post Office, Lok Fu Post Office, Ngau Chi Wan Post Office, Tsz Wan Shan Post Office and Wong Tai Sin Post Office. All other post offices will maintain their normal opening hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but their closing hours will be advanced to 4pm. The time of receiving notifications for cheque collection by some people (in particular those who have chosen to collect cheques at the post offices in Wong Tai Sin District) will therefore be affected and notifications may not be received on July 29 simultaneously. The Government appeals for the public's understanding on this. The public may call the Hongkong Post enquiry hotline at 2921 2222 to enquire about the service hours of individual post offices. 

     Moreover, as of yesterday (July 27), the Cash Payout Scheme has disbursed payment or issued notifications for cheque collection to nearly 5.5 million eligible people. A Government spokesman reminded the public that as banks will send notifications including SMS to registrants as soon as possible after making payment, there is no need to rush to check account balances at banks' branches or personal banking centres (including checking transaction records by using passbook update machines). People will also have sufficient time to collect cheques from the post offices and there is no need to rush for collection of cheques at the post offices on the first one or two days. In view of the latest epidemic developments, people should avoid gathering at banks or post offices so as to reduce the risk of infection. 

     The public may visit the website of the Scheme ( or call 18 2020 for detailed information on the Scheme.