Caroline Russell reacts to Cressida Dick’s resignation


10 February 2022

Responding to the news that Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick is resigning, Green London Assembly Member Caroline Russell said:

“The Commissioner has overseen a stream of appalling scandals, from disproportionate racist policing to the murder of Sarah Everard by a serving police officer and the defensive handling of the aftermath of the vigil in Everard’s name.

“Over the Commissioner’s time as head of the Metropolitan Police there were countless moments that should have prompted honest admissions of failure and real reform. Yet her tenure was marked by complacency and defensiveness over a culture of racism, misogyny, homophobia and discrimination. 

“Black Londoners have been telling us for years about the impact of disproportionality in policing.

“We need reform of the Metropolitan Police that goes much deeper than changing the Commissioner. Discriminatory behaviour is institutionalised in the police. We need fundamental reform to establish a police force that Londoners can trust and that re-establishes the basics of policing by consent so good officers want to stay in the force and the ones who are behaving in this racist, misogynist, discriminatory way should be made to leave.” 


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