7 November 2017
* Lucas labels Johnson a ‘human wrecking ball’ and says Patel’s actions risk making Britain a ‘laughing stock’ on the international stage
Caroline Lucas, the Green Party co-leader, has called for Theresa May to sack Boris Johnson and Priti Patel after high level mistakes and deceitful behaviour.
She labeled Johnson a ‘human wrecking ball’ and said Patel’s actions risk making Britain a ‘laughing stock’ on the international stage.
Lucas said:
“Enough is enough, these two blundering ministers must be sacked. Boris Johnson continues to act as a human wrecking ball, risking the freedom of a British national through his high-level recklessness. Any other minister in any other government would have been sacked already – and it’s time that the Prime Minister kicks Johnson out of the Foreign Office before he makes any other calamitous errors.
“Patel’s secret meetings are, without doubt, a sackable offense. Not only did she have the meetings, but she then lied about who she told about them. Reports that she then pushed for British aid money to go to the Israeli Military cast serious doubt over her ability to do her job in a professional way – and risk making Britain a laughing stock on the international stage.
“It’s time for Theresa May to get a grip on her Government and sack these ministers who are bringing her party, and indeed our country, into disrepute.”
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