Caroline Lucas: Heathrow court decision “takes us backwards” in climate response


16 December 2020

Heathrow Airport has won a Supreme Court challenge over the Government’s decision to give the go-ahead for a third runway.

Green Party MP Caroline Lucas said:

“This is incredibly disappointing news and takes us backwards in our response to the climate crisis. Commercial interests have won out over the protection of our planet and the wellbeing of future generations. 

“But it is not the end of the campaign and Heathrow’s plans will be opposed at every step of the planning process to stop this very damaging project which remains incompatible with the UK’s obligations under the Paris Agreement.   

“The CCC has recommended that there be no increase in overall airport capacity in their pathway to reach net zero by 2050. With most flights taken by a handful of people, we should be introducing frequent flyer levies, not expanding airports which would benefit a few and cost us all dearly. 

“The Government must urgently ensure that all its policy making – whether on airports or roads – supports the goals of the Paris Agreement rather than putting them way out of reach.”



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