Carl Sargeant announces £4.4 million for advice services
£2.2 million will support the delivery of services which can offer direct advice relating to welfare benefits, housing, debt, money management and discrimination.
A further £2.2 million will be awarded to Citizens Advice Cymru to deliver the Better Advice, Better Lives Scheme. The scheme encourages benefit take-up for families with disabled children, for those living in deprived areas whose health is likely to be affected by poverty, and for council tax and housing benefits.
Carl Sargeant said:
“Advice services are an important part of our efforts to tackle poverty. They provide practical support to people who are struggling financially or need help regarding their benefits or housing. I am pleased to guarantee this funding for the next financial year. During the first half of 2016-17 advice organisations responded to over 33,150 requests for information and advice which illustrates how beneficial these services are.
“I am also pleased to secure funding for Citizens Advice Cymru to deliver the Better Advice, Better Lives Scheme for 2017-18. A key feature of the project is that it is referral based and delivered in community settings which means it reaches disadvantaged groups and people who are less likely to seek advice themselves. Since the start of this project in 2012, the scheme has helped over 171,000 people.”