Career Fair 2019 under Pilot Programme to Enhance Talent Training for Asset and Wealth Management Sector held


     The Government held the Career Fair 2019 under the Pilot Programme to Enhance Talent Training for the Asset and Wealth Management Sector (WAM Pilot Programme) this afternoon (January 12). The Career Fair is an annual industry promotion event, with the aim of providing an opportunity for undergraduate students to learn more about the asset and wealth management (WAM) sector through exchanges with industry practitioners and to obtain information about the upcoming Summer Internship Programme (SIP).

     The theme of this year's Career Fair was "Leaping Ahead". It featured a briefing on the SIP in 2019, sharing sessions by industry practitioners, and a CV Clinic. During the sharing sessions, nine experienced practitioners offered their insights on the future developments and job prospects and shared their valuable experience in the WAM sector. Moreover, through participating in the CV Clinic, students could obtain professional advice on curriculum vitae writing from the industry practitioners.

     A number of exhibitors from local and international WAM companies and industry associations were also present to introduce to students the different functional roles and career paths of the sector.

     A government spokesperson said, "As a premier international asset and wealth management hub, Hong Kong has a fast-growing WAM sector within the local financial services industry. The Career Fair can help enhance students' understanding of the sector, and attract new blood to the industry. We strongly encourage eligible university students who are interested in joining the WAM sector to apply for the Summer Internship Programme in 2019 to obtain internship experience during the summer vacation."

     The SIP, held annually throughout the WAM Pilot Programme, provides a subsidy for employers to offer summer internship positions in the WAM sector to university students. This year, around 100 internship positions from more than 20 firms covering a wide range of functional roles in the sector will be available. Interested university students may apply for these internship openings from January 14 to 27. Details about the SIP, including the eligibility criteria and the application process, can be found at

     The Government launched the WAM Pilot Programme in August 2016. The objectives are to expand the talent pool of the WAM sector, and enhance the professional competency of the WAM practitioners, thereby facilitating the sustainable development of the sector. Initiatives under the WAM Pilot Programme include promotion and education, the SIP, and a financial incentive scheme for the professional training of in-service practitioners in the financial services industry.

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