Calling for more Roma equality, participation and inclusion in next EU Framework Strategy

The Committee exchanged views on a report on the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies: Combating negative attitudes towards people with Romani background in Europe.

Helena Dallí, EU Equality Commissioner, the FRA Director, MEP Romeo Franz and Daniel Strauß, the Chairman of the Board for Romnokher, a German Roma NGO all commented on the report.

FRA identified four key areas that the EU Framework Strategy for Roma should cover. This included:

  • Housing and combatting segregation, including respecting Travellers’ lifestyles;
  • Improving understanding of Antigypsyism/ anti-Romani racism across EU Member States;
  • Improving rights awareness, encouraging reporting of discrimination and enhancing trust in public authorities;
  • And ensuring participation and empowerment of Roma and Travellers at all stages of the policy cycle.