Call for evidence: An inspection of the Border Force intelligence functions at the Humber ports

News story

The Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration invites anyone with knowledge and experience of the Border Force intelligence functions at the Humber ports (Grimsby, Goole, Hull and Immingham) to submit evidence to inform an inspection in this area.

Call for evidence

The Independent Chief Inspector is interested in the Border Force intelligence functions at the Humber ports. To that end, it is expected that this inspection will be examining such areas as:

  • the Border Force intelligence strategy for collection, handling, developing, disseminating, prioritising and actioning intelligence

  • Border Force intelligence sharing with other law enforcement agencies (LEAs)

  • interfaces between Border Force intelligence and other LEAs and how they work practically and operationally and whether the strategies of the various agencies align

  • the resourcing, training, skills and systems supporting Border Force intelligence operations

  • Border Force intelligence operations at the Humber ports – the effectiveness of intelligence targeting at the Humber ports, including volumes, quality, and outcomes

This call for evidence will remain open until 1 July 2022

The Independent Chief Inspector would be pleased to hear both what is working well and what could be improved. Information received in response to this call for evidence will play an important part in defining the scope and focus of the inspection. Submissions touching on any and all areas of interest to the Border Force intelligence functions at the Humber ports, including those that may not be mentioned above, are therefore welcome.

The information you submit may be quoted in the final inspection report, but it is the ICIBI’s practice not to name sources and to anonymise as much as possible any examples or case studies.

Data Protection

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Alternatively, or if you are using a non-compatible email client, then please send your submission to with ‘Intelligence inspection call for evidence’ in the subject line and the following consent statement in the body of your email: “I consent to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration retaining and processing the information and data in this email.

Published 16 June 2022