Cabinet Secretary for Education announces new appointments to the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales

Kirsty Williams announced that the first of the new members, Sir Keith Burnett, Helen Marshall, Sarah John and James Davies, joined the Council on 1 December. The other new members, Lesley Davies, Aaqil Ahmed, Christine Ennew and Robert Humphreys, will take up their roles early in 2018 as current members stand down.

The Cabinet Secretary said:

“I am very pleased to announce these new appointments to the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, which are an important step in our proposals to reform the Post Compulsory Education and Training sector.

“We have taken the opportunity to refresh the current membership so it is better able to support HEFCW and the sector as we progress our plans to establish  the new Tertiary Education and Research Commission for Wales.

“I was impressed with the quality of candidates and delighted that the exercise attracted such a strong and diverse field of candidates. It reassures our view that the reforms we are pursuing in Wales is the right approach for Wales and people want to be a part of it.

“I am delighted that we were able to appoint such high calibre candidates from the fields of HE, FE, industry, business and work-based learning – individuals who are highly regarded in their fields and who I know will make a valuable contribution to, and positive impact on, the work of the Council as we move forward.

“I look forward to working with the new members over the next few years and welcome their contribution to our work.”