Cabinet in chaos over chlorinated chicken – Hayman

Sue Hayman MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, commenting on further reports of
cabinet division, said:

“Liam Fox defended the practice of chlorine washing chicken last night.
This morning, in yet another example of Conservative chaos, Michael
Gove has ruled out chlorinated chicken imports.

“This casual and inconsistent attitude towards the importing of
chlorinated chicken undermines everything British poultry farmers do to produce
high quality produce and uphold high animal welfare standards.

“Theresa May must put an end to the internal
disarray in her cabinet and set the record straight by publicly supporting
British poultry farmers and committing to protect the British public from
substandard food produce in a race-to-the-bottom Brexit.

“Labour reiterates our calls for the Government to
secure the inclusion of high food and animal welfare standards in all trade
agreements negotiated after Brexit.”