Bus grants to keep Wales moving

Funding under the Bus Services Support Grant (BSSG) is allocated annually to Wales’ local authorities by a formula that reflects their overall populations and their rural or urban characteristics.

The £25m grant will be shared between the 22 local authorities, and will allow each to subsidise socially-necessary bus and community transport within their areas.

The grant will supplement local authorities’ own expenditure on bus and community transport services.

Ken Skates said:

“I am pleased to announce that the Welsh Government has committed £25m to help ensure a sustainable bus service across Wales over the next financial year.

“Local scheduled bus services are, and will continue to be, the foundation of our public transport system, allowing people across Wales to get to work, hospital appointments, education and leisure activities.  

“They are vital to Welsh life and actually account for around 100m passenger journeys each year.

“I am pleased we have been able to maintain our investment levels in Wales’ bus services despite increasingly challenging financial settlements.

“This is a reflection of our commitment to supporting our bus industry and to delivering an effective network of buses for  communities as part of an integrated, multi-modal system of public transport right across Wales.”