Building Safety Board Game Play Day promotes building safety message (with photos)


     The Buildings Department (BD) today (September 23) held Building Safety Board Game Play Day and the award presentation ceremony of the "Building Safety on Board" Competition at D.Park in Tsuen Wan. The play day, through parent-child participation in board games with the theme of building safety designed by students, enriched the public's knowledge on building maintenance and management.
     A large-scale chessboard, based on the winning entries of the "Building Safety on Board" Competition, was set up in the venue and participants could be the chess pieces in the game. Visitors could play board games in booths, and stationed professional building surveyors and structural engineers introduced building safety knowledge. Children could gain knowledge of building safety in a fun way by joining the lantern quiz on building safety and making building models in the parent-child workshop.
     The BD held the "Building Safety on Board" Competition for the first time to celebrate its 25th anniversary, aiming at disseminating messages on building safety to the public through board games. The contest was divided into three groups: the Parent-Child group, the Primary School group and the Secondary School group. Each participating team composed a board game under one of the four themes, namely Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme, Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme, Minor Works Control System or Fire Safety. The competition received an overwhelming response with over 80 schools submitting more than 1,000 entries, and the winning entries were full of creativity and imagination.
     Presenting awards to the winners, the Deputy Director of Buildings, Mr Yu Tak-cheung, praised the outstanding performance of participants in the competition. He said the participants had learned the importance of building safety in an enjoyable way through the process of designing board games.
     Building Safety Board Game Play Day and the "Building Safety on Board" Competition, as the finale of activities for celebrating the 25th anniversary of the BD, aimed at promoting the messages of building safety in a simple way through playing games. For the list of winners of the "Building Safety on Board" Competition, please refer to (Chinese only).

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