British Chambers of Commerce

BCC responds to Bank of England’s 'Super Thursday'

Commenting on the Bank of England inflation report and interest rate decision published on ‘Super Thursday’, Suren Thiru, Head of Economics at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said:

“The decision to keep interest rates on hold, while unsurprising, was the right decision given the loss of momentum suffered...Read More »

BCC comments on trade statistics

Commenting on the trade statistics for March 2018, released today by the ONS, Suren Thiru, Head of Economics at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said:

“The narrowing in the UK’s trade deficit in the quarter is a welcome improvement from the weaker performance in the previous quarter, and...Read More »

BCC: Pragmatism, not ideology, needed in customs debate

Reacting to comments made by Business Secretary Greg Clark MP and other political interviewees on the Andrew Marr programme regarding future customs arrangements, Dr Adam Marshall, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce, said:

Whatever the final customs deal, the UK government must ensure that trading businesses face...Read More »

BCC: Pragmatism, not ideology, needed in customs debate

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BCC: Business can’t rely on just-in-time Brexit preparation

New research by the British Chambers of Commerce, released today (Monday), in partnership with the Port of Dover, finds that over a third (36%) of traders rely on the just-in-time delivery of material and components, but that many are not preparing for changes to customs procedures after Brexit.

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