British Chambers of Commerce

BCC: Currency volatility compounding cost pressures for many businesses

The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) today releases the results of its survey, in partnership with American Express, which finds the majority of businesses expect the fall in sterling to increase their costs.

The survey of over 1,300 businesses found that 63% of businesses expect their costs to increase...Read More »

Business groups and TUC issue joint statement on EU citizens' rights

The British Chambers of Commerce, CBI, TUC, FSB and EEF have made a joint plea to guarantee the rights of EU and UK citizens before Christmas.

Four million EU and UK citizens face a second Christmas of uncertainty about their right to remain in the countries they now call...Read More »

BCC comments on today’s Brexit statements

Commenting following Prime Minister Theresa May’s meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, and wider developments in the Brexit negotiations, Dr Adam Marshall, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce, said:

“Business communities on both sides of the Channel have long been urging negotiators to reach a pragmatic...Read More »

BCC: Planning system must work better for business

The planning system in England is more complex, costly and difficult for business than it was five years ago, according to a major report published today (Monday) by the British Chambers of Commerce.

The BCC report says that five years after the introduction of the National Planning Policy Framework...Read More »

Chamber Business Awards 2017: Best of British Business

The very best of British business was celebrated at the British Chamber of Commerce’s annual Chamber Business Awards ceremony last night.

The Chamber Business Awards, which is now in its 14th year, is one of the showpiece events in the business calendar, highlighting the role of business in delivering...Read More »

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